Academic Integrity (15 minutes)-Susana Solera Adoboe-Applicable to ALL

  • Due No due date
  • Points 100
  • Questions 16
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


SPAN 1502Academic Integrity

In order to meet the desired learning outcomes of this course, students need to practice using the structures and vocabulary introduced here, along with skills acquired through prior learning. Mistakes are expected at all levels, as they are a natural part of learning, and students typically make errors consistent with their language level.


Submission of overly polished language samples using grammatical structures and vocabulary not covered in this course may be considered legitimate grounds for suspecting a violation of the honor code. While specific online dictionaries and resources may be permitted for some assignments, the Department of World Languages and Literatures stipulates that any use of online translation programs or software not specifically authorized by the instructor constitutes cheating.


The Honor Code prohibits giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in the preparation of work to be submitted. Examples include use of Google Translate or other web- based translation programs; handing in work done by someone else as your own (in paper or electronic form); copying from websites and answer keys; or failing to cite sources. In such instances, instructors reserve the right to impose penalties that can range from requiring students redo an assignment in a proctored setting to assigning a grade of zero on the assignment or an F in the course. Violations of the Honor Code will be reported to the Honor Council. Each student is expected to review and follow the SMU Academic Honesty and the Honor Code.

Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise, and Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise” constitute cheating and plagiarism respectively. Students are only allowed to use if they need to make use of a dictionary. All submitted work must be the student’s and the student’s alone.

Instructors understand and expect student errors reflecting the level of material taught. As such, when students turn in close to perfect work with higher level grammatical structures not taught, the student will receive a 0 for that project and she or he will have to meet with the instructor individually within 24 hours on Zoom and redo the assignment to show their work and real language capacity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor on time to re-do the assignment. Additionally, an internal report will be placed reporting the incident.

On the second offense of academic dishonesty, the Instructor and the Department of World Languages and Literatures will report the case to the Honor Council for disciplinary action.

My role, as the instructor of this course, is to facilitate learning and to provide you with clear guidelines and timely feedback. Your role, as a student in this course, is to take responsibility for your learning and to complete all assignments in an honest and timely manner.

SMU Student Handbook 20-21.pdf

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